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2025 / 032025 / 042025 / 052025 / 062025 / 072025 / 082025 / 092025 / 102025 / 112025 / 122026 / 012026 / 022026 / 032026 / 042026 / 052026 / 062026 / 072026 / 08
* The displayed price can be reserved 1 room 1 person 1 night lowest price
■Check-in 15:00/Check-out 10:00 ■children's fee 13 years and over:adult room charge Ages 7-12:70% of adult room charge Ages 0-6(futon only):3,500yen Ages 0-6(no futon):free of charge ■inquiry >>>>"CONTACT US" Please contact us from here.